Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.

Neighborhood News

Clubhouse Closure
The clubhouse will be closed for renovations from January 27 to February 27, 2025. We’re excited to make some updates to the space and can’t wait to share the improvements with you.
The workout room will stay open during this time, so you can keep up with your fitness routine while we work on the clubhouse.
Thanks so much for your understanding and patience as we make these upgrades. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to info@psimanagement.net
The Kensington Clubhouse is rentable by community members only. Please see Clubhouse Rentals or Reservations to reserve your date and directions to send in your contract.
(You will be directed to PSI Management Co)
Per the Rules/Regulations of the community, Christmas/Holiday lights need to be down no later than January 31st and they cannot be illuminated after January 15th.
There are currently open board member positions. If you are interested in a open position and fulfilling the remaining term, which will be until November 10, 2025, please reach out to info@psimanagement.net.
Wi-Fi Access at Clubhouse/Pool
Network Name:  Kensington_Club
Password:          kensington_club             
Please contact PSI MANAGEMENT for any issues with the connection:
By phone at 847-806-6121 
By email at: info@psimanagement.net

Pay My Assessment

Please remember that semi-annual assessments are $450 and are due on January 1st and July 1st each year.
Pay by Check:
Mail payment to:
Kensington Club Homeowners Association
C/O PSI Specialists, Inc 
P.O. 66451
Phoenix, AZ 85082-6451
*Please make sure to include your account number on the check. 
If setting up on your online banking 
through your bank, make sure they send to the above address as well.
Pay Online: 
Access your account at:

Drop off at any Property Specialist Facility - Our location is:
Property Specialists, Inc
2155 Point Blvd, Suite 210
Elgin, IL 60123
*Please note: any payment dropped off at a PSI office will incur a $25 processing fee*
Should you have any questions regarding your assessments (or ANY other matter)
Contact customer service at:
Via phone at:
Thank you,
Kensington Board

Upcoming Events

Kensington Club HOA Board Meetings
01-17-25 to 12-31-25
HOA Meetings are virtual and start at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
Monday, May 12, 2025
Monday, July 14, 2025
Monday, September 15, 2025
Monday, November 10, 2025
Postcards were mailed to all homeowners with the call in information
Please contact info@psimanagement.net if you have any questions